Understanding HGH Therapy

Getting older is not for the faint of heart. The activities that used to be easy and effortless tend to take more energy than we have. It doesn’t even seem that good nutrition, vitamins, and exercise get us back to where we were in our youth. As we age, our levels of human growth hormone, […]
P-Shot: I had to try it and I am glad I did

Longer, harder, and lasting erections was worth a shot, even if it was in my dick. For the last year I have had issues in the bedroom. You know, those issues you hear about? I had never thought it could happen to me, but when it did, my libido and relationships suffered. It was embarrassing […]
Blueberries Citrus Fruits Red Wine Associated With Reduced Erectile Dysfunction

Flavonoid-rich foods are associated with a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction — according to a new collaborative study from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Harvard University. Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that eating foods rich in certain flavonoids is associated with a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction in […]
4 Reasons to Prioritize Intimacy in a Relationship

No matter how much you love your partner, intimacy may naturally begin to wane a bit over time. While losing interest in sex doesn’t necessarily mean you have lost interest in your partner, it can still feel that way to your significant other. All too often, one partner’s desire for physical intimacy may outweigh the […]
5 Benefits of Men’s Weight Loss

It’s no secret that losing weight dramatically increases your health and quality of life. But for some men, the scales continue to creep up over the years despite your best intentions. Too often, diet and exercise alone don’t seem to cut it. If you’re one of the millions of men who struggle with healthy weight […]
Three Causes of Men’s Hair Loss

The idea of full, thick hair is ingrained in society’s image of what a man should look like. From superheroes to newscasters, men with lush locks inundate the airwaves. But for millions of American men, thinning hair becomes a fact of life as early as their late twenties. Men facing hair loss and thinning often […]