What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Be assured that you will get the best advice and medical recommendations from one of our Erectile Dysfunction licensed medical providers. Whether it is our new Prolific Acoustic Shockwave Therapy (Which requires little or no medication), Bypass Sublingual Therapy, the P Shot or our Advanced TriMed Therapy Protocol we will find one or a combination that will work best for you.
Erectile Dysfunction, or E.D., is a condition affecting a man’s ability to achieve and sustain an erection during sexual intercourse. E.D. is common, affecting as many as half of all men aged 40 and older. Though the condition itself is not considered dangerous, E.D. is associated with systemic vascular disease, heart conditions, renal failure, prostate cancer, depression, and other more serious conditions. Thus, experts generally recommend that men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction consult with a medical professional for treatment for the best chance to understand and assess the underlying cause of your condition so it can be properly treated.
So…You made an Appointment – Now What Happens?
First and foremost, we know that most men have been having issues for two years or more before they seek our advanced specialists for professional help. We also know why and we train our staff to be very sensitive to our patient’s private concerns. So, you step out of the car, walk in and you open the door to the clinic. Then:
- You’ll see our Founder, Dr. John Robinson explaining our services in short 2-minute videos on a large screen TV. Refreshments are available. You’ll notice our affinity for sports everywhere!
- You’ll be warmly greeted by our trained staff and asked to complete a medical history and consents like any medical practice.
- Then you will be escorted to Patient Intake. Where a friendly Medical Assistant will take your vital signs, draw our advanced bloodwork and perform a sophisticated InBody Body Mass Index Analysis. The BMI is painless and you do not disrobe. You will remove your shoes and socks and then stand on the InBody machine and hold the handles. You will feel a slight vibration as “impedance” does its work. If you have a pacemaker, you will not use this machine.
- You will then be escorted to a treatment room to meet one of our Physicians. They will review your medical history, do a physical exam, review your medications, BMI report and conduct a painless ultrasound to check the circulation in your penis.
- Our Physician Specialist will then review the best treatment options for you. In many, if not most cases, you can begin treatment right then and there and be on your way to a better sex life!
- Then our Treatment Program Director will go over the many options we have and collect payment or arrange for financing. We do not bill insurance and most carriers do not cover our treatment programs.
- With finances handled, you can begin treatment. If medications are part of your customized treatment plan, they will be prepared and given to you before you leave. Our medications are unique and specially compounded by elite compound pharmacies and are only available at our clinic. You can not buy them online or at any pharmacy or other medical practice.
- Our friendly staff will then set your follow up appointment, which is required, to review your lab results and check on the treatment results. Once you pay an office visit the first time, we never charge you again for exams and labs when you buy a treatment program.
That’s it…easy as 1-2-3…and you are on your way to improved sexual performance!
How is Erectile Dysfuntion Treated?

Five Erectile Dysfunction Therapies = One Great Result
At the Oklahoma Men’s Clinic erectile dysfunction treatment in Oklahoma City, our physicians and providers will check all your medications, medical history, any surgeries or conditions you have or have had, do an ultrasound to the penis to check your blood flow consideration, provide a BMI (Body Mass Index), do a blood work up, and render you the best educated opinion of what will work best for you. Be assured that you will get the best advice and medical recommendations from one of our Oklahoma City erectile dysfunction treatment clinic and licensed medical providers. Whether it is our new Prolific Shockwave Therapy (Which requires little or no medication), Bypass Sublingual Therapy, The P Shot or our Advanced TriMed Protocol Therapy or Everlast for PE, will advise you on all of your options. The bottom line is that almost every time one of these erectile dysfunction treatments will work for you, which is why we give you the best medical science offers at the Oklahoma Men’s Clinic.
Who Suffers from Erectile Dysfunction?
Though the rate of men experiencing Erectile Dysfunction increases with age, Erectile Dysfunction can affect men of every age. Like your favorite muscle car, male arousal depends on many systems operating together: the brain, nervous system, cardiovascular system, hormones, and even emotions all play a role in stimulating and exciting men in sexual situations.
This means there are many contributing factors and causes of Erectile Dysfunction, which means the condition can and often does affect every man at one time or another.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
- Smoking
- Natural Aging
- Diabetes
- Nerve Damage
- Medication
- Prostate Cancer
What are the signs and symptoms that accompany Erectile Dysfunction?
- Trouble getting an erection.
- Trouble maintaining an erection.
- Lack of or reduced sexual desire.