The Priapus Shot® (P-Shot)

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Is the Revolutionary Priapus Shot® Right For You?

The Priapus Shot is a revolutionary approach to male enhancement that uses your own natural blood-derived growth factors which has successfully helped countless thousands of men worldwide who have erectile dysfunction or want to increase their penis size. One brief, virtually painless visit to our Oklahoma City PRP clinic for a Priapus Shot provides immediate and long-lasting male enhancement results, including:


  • Penis length enlargement
  • Penis girth enlargement
  • Increased libido and sexual sensitivity
  • Stronger orgasms with improved intensity
  • A straightened penis [treats Peyronie’s disease – curved penis]
  • A stronger erection
  • Increased stamina
  • Synergizes testosterone therapy
  • Increased blood and nerve circulation within the penis
  • An increase in sensation and pleasure
  • Long lasting effects
  • Provides a potential solution for erectile dysfunction
  • Provides a solution for men post prostate surgery
  • Medical solution for lichen sclerosis (plaque build-up)
  • BONUS: Increases length and girth of the penis by up to 10 to 20% and improves the appearance

These Improvements Are Typically Seen Immediately!

It is common to see an increase in girth and length within 2 to 4 weeks. Typically, those who would benefit most from the Priapus Shot™ ™ at our Oklahoma City PRP clinic would be men with:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Desire to improve sexual performance and satisfaction
  • Low testosterone
  • Abnormal curvature of the penis
  • Shortening of the penis
  • The desire to increase the length of their penis
  • The desire to increase the girth of their penis

The Priapus Shot™ has been proven to work in multiple studies with no reported allergic reactions or side effects. Male Enhancement Benefits of PRP are long-lasting, typically for over a year and up to 18 months, with patients reporting length and girth increases of up to 20%.

This highly effective procedure utilizes growth factors extracted from a sample of your own blood, stimulating new tissue growth within the penis. This process uses PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, a nutrient-rich growth factor portion of your own blood, helping to make this procedure safe and natural. 

The P-Shot®, or Priapus Shot®, is a cutting-edge sexual rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for men and was invented by the world-famous Dr. Charles Runels. The P-Shot is a non-surgical solution to natural sexual enhancement that has been used and clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients worldwide achieving enhanced sexual benefits.

The P-Shot is a specific treatment protected by US Patent & Trademark law. Here at The Oklahoma Men’s Clinic, we’re proud to be part of the world-class group of physicians and healthcare providers who perform the P-Shot.

happy couple in bed

Frequently Asked Questions About
P-Shot ® Sexual Enhancement Therapy

  1. The doctor applies numbing cream and local anesthetic to the treatment area.
  2. The physician draws a blood sample and places it in a special centrifuge to spin for 10 minutes.
  3. The doctor carefully draws the PRP into two syringes.
  4. The physician administers five separate injections of PRP, two along each side of the shaft of the penis (4) and one in the glans or head of the penis, all taking only a few minutes.
  5. The doctor places a penis pump for 10 minutes to ensure the PRP holds into the treatment area, enhancing results. That’s it!

No. Anesthesia takes effect prior to the procedure. You may feel some pressure that can be strange, but not necessarily painful. Most patients report a zero to two out of 10 on the pain scale.

Some people experience results immediately. Most people will begin to see results within a few weeks with maximum benefit after three full months.



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