Are You Experiencing Memory Loss?

A person you have known for years walks into the room. All of a sudden, you realize you can’t remember their name. That’s nothing to worry about, is it? It happens to everyone, right? Yes, it does happen to everyone from time to time. But is it happening to you more frequently? Are you getting […]
How to Improve Low HGH Levels

You are getting into your early 40s and it seems like you have arrived. You are in a great relationship, your career is taking off, and you are in the best shape of your life. You are eating healthy foods and working out. Why is it that you can’t do some of the things you […]
How Does Low T Impact Men’s Health?

There is no doubt that we are living in difficult and complex times. All of our lives have been turned upside down because of Coronavirus/COVID-19. It is easy to get down and maybe a little depressed about how our lives have been affected. But is it possible that you are feeling more depression than normal? […]
What is Male Menopause?

In the times we are living in today, it is understandable that you may be feeling down. We have all had to make adjustments to our daily routines. But is there more to it than being worried about COVID-19? Have you lost some of your energy, mental clarity, and possibly some muscle mass? If you […]
The Truth About ED and How to Fix it

You are an age 30-40 something male, and you are confused. Why am I having issues in the bedroom? I am young and in shape, how could this be? It is a misconception that erectile dysfunction only occurs to the oldest generation. As men age, there is definitely an increase in a man’s difficulty getting […]
Men’s Weight Loss with Oklahoma Men’s Clinic

It’s been a long winter, and if you’re like most guys, you have added a few pounds around the middle…. or more than a few pounds. Does that mean that you need to start eating salads for the rest of your life? No sir! If you are ready to take charge of what is causing […]